iTAG8 for Professionals


iTAG8 for Professionals

Join iTAG8s Made in Italy Project: Empower Your Italian Products with Unmatched "Made in Italy" Protection and Visibility.

At iTAG8, we're revolutionizing the way Italian companies and agricultural stakeholders showcase and protect their "Made in Italy" products. Our platform offers comprehensive tools to ensure the authenticity and integrity of Italian craftsmanship, from the field to the consumer's kitchen.

Why Choose iTAG8 for Your "Made in Italy" Products?

Global Reach with Local Roots: Reach millions of consumers globally while celebrating the essence of Italian craftsmanship and tradition.

Traceability and Transparency: Utilize our cutting-edge blockchain and DLT solutions to establish a transparent supply chain. Showcase your product's journey from the field to the kitchen, providing consumers with real-time insights into its origin and production methods.

Consumer Empowerment: Empower consumers to verify product authenticity. With iTAG8's tracking and tracing system, customers can report counterfeit products directly to producers, ensuring swift action to protect your "Made in Italy" brand and reputation.

Legal Support and Enforcement: Connect with specialist lawyers within our network for legal advice and enforcement options. Take proactive steps to safeguard your products against counterfeiters and illicit trade.

Community Collaboration: Join a vibrant online community of Italian producers dedicated to preserving and promoting authentic "Made in Italy" products. Collaborate with peers, share best practices, and engage with consumers.

Marketing and Feedback: Leverage iTAG8's marketing tools to run targeted campaigns and promotions. Gather valuable feedback from consumers to refine and enhance your offerings.

Live Streaming and Communication: Engage directly with your audience through live streams, group chats, and video calls. Build meaningful connections and showcase your products in real-time.

B2B and B2C Capabilities: Access both B2B and B2C markets under one roof. iTAG8 empowers small and medium-sized businesses to compete with industry giants by harnessing the power of community-driven data and resources previously accessible only to companies with large budgets.

Easy Supply Chain Management: Create simple supply chains and control processes with low costs. iTAG8 offers user-friendly tools to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.

Discover the power of iTAG8 and elevate your "Made in Italy" products to new heights. Protect your legacy, engage with consumers, and build a global community around authenticity and excellence.

Join iTAG8 today and transform your approach to promoting and protecting your "Made in Italy" products.

iTAG8 for Professionals

Tagline: "Empowering Italian Industries with ONEG8 2.0. Innovation"

iTAG8 for Community and Private

Tagline: "Join the Largest Made in Italy Community"