F. O. A.

Fondazione Osservatorio Agroalimentare

Made in Italy (F.AGR.I. Group)


Mission of F.O.A.

Empowering Global Agricultural Relations

At F.O.A., our mission is to catalyze transformative change in global agricultural relations through strategic partnerships and sustainable practices:

Facilitating Collaborations:

We forge partnerships that foster knowledge exchange, innovation, and capacity building across borders, driving collective action for sustainable agriculture.

Advocating for Sustainability:

F.O.A. advocates for sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize environmental stewardship, resilience, and inclusive development.

Strengthening Industry Networks:

We strengthen industry networks, enabling stakeholders to leverage collective expertise and resources for mutual benefit and shared prosperity.

Driving Policy and Advocacy:

F.O.A. engages in policy dialogue and advocacy to influence reforms that promote sustainable agriculture, trade facilitation, and rural development.

F.O.A. is committed to empowering global agricultural relations through collaborative partnerships and advocacy efforts. By fostering sustainability and innovation, we aim to build resilient and inclusive agricultural systems for a sustainable future.